Hello all.
A colleague has very recently upgraded his Debian system at home from
Jessie (not sure which version) to Stretch (9.9) and from that moment,
fetchmail has failed to collect emails. I/we are relatively
inexperienced with diagnosing & fixing such problems and are looking
for any advice people here may be able to give us to overcome this
problem. When fetchmail polls the email server, we get the following
error message:
Jun 14 09:21:02 localhost fetchmail[15672]: Your OpenSSL version does
not support SSLv3.Jun 14 09:21:02 localhost fetchmail[15672]: SSL
connection failed.Jun 14 09:21:02 localhost fetchmail[15672]: socket
error while fetching from cccm...@mail.chem.com.auJun 14 09:21:02
localhost fetchmail[15672]: Query status=2 (SOCKET)
Below is a copy of the .fetchmailrc file on that system (with any
sensitive data replaced:
set no bouncemail 
set postmaster "postmaster_details" 

poll email.server.name 
        protocol pop3 port 995 
        with uidl 
        user "username" with password "secret" is
"local_account" here 
        with ssl and sslproto 'TLS1+' 
        with sslfingerprint
        with keep 
        smtpaddress "local_smtp_server" 
        mda "/usr/bin/procmail -d %T"

We have a near identical machine here at work, that has been running
Debian 9 for some time, and it is collecting emails from the relevant
email server just fine.
Any thoughts/suggestions welcome. Is there anything else that I can
post here that might give those more knowledgeable than us a clue as
to what we need to do to fix this?
Thanks in advance.
Joe Aquilina
~~~~~~~~~~~~Joe Aquilina
PO Box 819 Morley WA 69430428 216 069

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