I have the same problem. For my needs, the best solution I found turns out to be the workaround you suggested using https://freegeoip.app.

The alternative seems to be something like

    apt install geoipupdate mmdb-bin

    # use the free license in GeoIP.conf:
    cp /usr/share/doc/geoipupdate/examples/GeoIP.conf.default /etc/GeoIP.conf


    # update every Tuesday
   echo "04 04 * * 2 root /usr/bin/geoipupdate" >> /etc/crontab

Then you have mmdblookup, which outputs some clumsy pseudo-json that needs to be parsed.

So thank you for the simple workaround you suggested :

    wget -qO - https://freegeoip.app/csv/$IP | awk -F, '{print $3}'


Is there something better?

For my use case (I only need about a dozen lookups per day), that's the best I could find


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