
On Mon, Jun 17, 2019 at 10:38:27AM -0400, Gene Heskett wrote:
> But that opens yet another container of worms. If I arbitrarily assign 
> ipv6 local addresses, and later, ipv6 shows up at my side of the router, 
> what if I have an address clash with someone on a satellite circuit in 
> Ulan Bator.  How is that resolved, by unroutable address blocks such as 
> 192.168.xx.xx is now?

More or less yes. It's called ULA (Unique Local Address) in IPv6 lingua.
If you're using anything from fd00:/8 - you're safe.

> What I've read so far has not addressed this serious security concern.
> Or even mentioned it.

I fail to see any security issue here. Availability - sure.

> If in the future all addressing is by dhcpd6,

Nobody does that, unless you're Amazon. It's either static, or RA.

> how do the other machines on my local net, advertise their presence to the 
> other machines on my local net.

IPv4 way of doing it is called ARP.
IPv6 way of doing it is called ICMPv6 types 135 and 136.

Both are limited to a single network segment (in a L2 sense of the word)
by design, so the outside world is not aware of this.


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