Gene Heskett wrote: 
> On Monday 17 June 2019 10:54:19 am Dan Ritter wrote:
> I have for eth0, two scope global addresses in a new stretch install of 
> an r-pi-3b, one from avahi and one from e/n/i.d/eth0, but the instant it 
> goes global, it sends from the avahi address 169.etc. Since thats out of 
> my local/24 domain, it of course doesn't work for global access as my 
> router doesn't pass it.  As this is a hosts file local network, how can 
> I turn off the avahi stuff forever?  It's screwing me up.

sudo apt remove avahi*


edit /etc/avahi/avahi-daemon.conf and comment out both

> Thats the entire point, with a hosts file based local net, its a 
> hindrance that has become a showstopper. And short of commenting every 
> line in /e/i.d/avahi-* out, I don't know how to stop that PITA from 
> screw that machine up. Apparently systemctl disable avahi-daemon is NOT 
> sufficient. systemctl, spit. If it can't do what its told to do, what 
> good is it?



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