Reco (12019-06-21):
> > is there a program (command line preferred) that is able to convert text
> > subtitles (.srt or .ass etc.) into vobsub "image" subtitles?
> You need something like this:
> ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -i /tmp/ -c:v copy -c:a copy \
>       -c:s mov_text output.mp4

mov_*text* is obviously not an image format, and definitely not the
vobsub format.

> Or this:
> ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -i /tmp/ -c:v copy -c:a copy \
>       -c:s dvd_subtitle output.mp4

Did you test that command line before suggesting it?

For reference, these command lines do not work and do not solve the
problem as it was explained in the thread. It needs to be stated clearly
for people who may visit the archives looking for the solution for a
similar problem.


  Nicolas George

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