On Vi, 17 mai 19, 22:04:32, Paul Sutton wrote:
> Hi

Hi Paul,

> Following on from Francisco post, I had been thinking about writing
> something about getting started for a while.  So decided to just get on
> and do it.
> http://zleap.net/debian-getting-started/
> I am trying to write this from my own view point of being new and
> explain how I got started and how others can.  Lot of references to
> parts of the Debian Website. 

Please do link to ESR's How To Ask Questions The Smart Way.

Regarding Salsa vs. Gihub, please note Salsa is using the Gitlab 
software. While quite similar to Github there are two important 

 1. It's Free (Libre) Software
 2. It is hosted by Debian

There was another discussion on this list why these two points matter.

Kind regards,

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