On 2019-06-28, deloptes <delop...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Gene Heskett wrote:
>> There was a period a decade back where the capacitors
>> were legendarily bad.  Your unit may have some of them in it.
> It was around 2004. From a trustful source I understood that the Chinese
> manage to steal the formula from Japan, but translated few things wrongly
> and the world was flooded with bad caps. In the company I was in back then,
> PC caught often even fire. We had to mitigate the risk or just replace the
> PC with more reliable once. This was a good story.

I had some of those bad caps in a Dell desktop machine I bought in 2000.
They looked like little vertical bulging batteries oozing rust. The
machine never caught fire but it did blow a fuse (me too!) on my
antiquated breaker panel.

As the machine dated to not a single decade ago, however, but two, maybe
my bad caps weren't the legendary ones.

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