On Fri, 28 Jun 2019 11:44:54 -0500
Dennis Wicks <w...@mgssub.com> wrote:

> Greetings,
> I have apache2 installed on my local machine with a bunch of 
> virtual hosts that I use for test and development of html, 
> wordpress, etc. It works fine to access the virt hosts 
> locally, but I want to access them from other systems on my 
> local network; windows/IE of various versions, smart phones, 
> tablets, laptops, etc.
> They all can access my base host name because my DSL 
> modem/router has DHCP and DNS in it and when it sets up an 
> address with DHCP it puts an entry in its DNS and everything 
> is fine. (All systems on the local net use the modem/router 
> for dns.) But nothing like this happens with the virtual hosts!
> I was thinking that I could setup a nameserver on my machine 
> with enries in it for the virtual hosts and have my local 
> network address in the list of nameservers in my 
> modem/router, and that is where I need the help.
> I have installed bind9, running on buster. So how do I set 
> up the name server and populate it with the info for my 
> virtual hosts? Pointers to forums, cookbooks, etc. would be 
> appreciated as well as hints and tips!

There are probably simpler solutions, but BIND works fine.

The thing you need to know is 'rpz', Response Policy Zone. Otherwise
you would have to set up a separate zone file for each of your domains.
With rpz, you can just throw any hostname and IP address into one file,
a sort of /etc/hosts for BIND.

This is a good quick tutorial:

Assuming the standard BIND architecture on Debian hasn't changed in the
last few years: the db.rpz file goes in /etc/bind, along with other
'system' db files. 

The zone definition goes in /etc/bind/named.conf.local.

The 'response-policy ( zone "rpz"; );' (don't forget the semicolons)
goes in /etc/bind/named.conf.options.

Don't worry about the logging. When you add another host to db.rpz,
don't forget to increment the serial, which tells BIND that things have
changed. The tutorial shows a date-related large number for this, but
you can start it at 1. If there's anything that isn't clear, look for
more tutorials and compare them, I don't know any more than is in this

Oh, always check the syslog after restarting BIND. If it finds the
slightest error in a configuration file, it will silently fail to
restart, or at best, not use the offending zone.


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