On Thursday 04 July 2019 23:54:21 andreimpope...@gmail.com wrote:

> On Jo, 04 iul 19, 04:42:40, Gene Heskett wrote:
> > On Thursday 04 July 2019 03:16:31 andreimpope...@gmail.com wrote:
> > > 3. Information on anything (and I do mean anything) else you might
> > > have done to your network configuration after installing buster,
> > > including but not limited to:
> > >  * installing stuff, especially if from source
> >
> > First, on a u-booting raspi you don't "install". You either download
> > an image and put it on a u-sd card with dd, or you generate your own
> > image.
> >
> > Which is what I have done by using a utility from guysoft called
> > RealtimePi, which takes the June 20th version of raspian buster lite
> > apart, and supposedly puts it back together with a realtime patched
> > version of a compatible kernel, which should have been a
> > 4.19.50-rt-v7 kernel, but when put on a u-sd, and the u-sd booted,
> > turns out to have the unpatched kernel in it.  Why I watched it
> > spend an hour building the older 4.4.114-rt-v7 kernel and then it
> > didn't use it is something I have not found yet in the build.log.
> > Which I can't get to ATM because ssh isn't working either.
> Just the fact that you are running Raspbian instead of pure Debian is
> already an important clue and possibly a major hindrance in helping
> you (we don't know what other customizations have been done to that).
Humm, someplace, in the last week, I read on a debian site, that raspian 
was the officially supported armhf version of debian ???  Or was that my 
imagination, out to play without a chaperone?
> I will bet you this though: that image has usable dpkg and apt. If I'm
> right, do you promise to put the "shotgun" away? :)

yup, and if the repos were open...  They are not as I've previously 
posted. I can report that apt --purge does not, I still see 
an /etc/nsswitch.conf, even though ts been purged.

> If I'm wrong I offer to dig up my Raspberry Pi and try to reproduce
> your problems.

I have solved both problems, so that won't be needed.  OTOH, I would be 
interested in how you might make anything newer than wheezy actually 
work on a staticly defined host file based network without a dhcpd 
server on any machine accessible to the local network.  Even wheezy took 
some mods to make it work starting with setting a chattr +i on 
everything network related because that N-M had not yet been taught to 
leave a 'static' defined network alone, or you could load up a root copy 
of mc, and nuke anything that looked like it belonged to N-M. It didn't 
spam the logs with squawks about the immutable flags, so that was a 

> Kind regards,
> Andrei

Thanks Andrei.

Cheers, Gene Heskett
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 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
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