
On Fri, Jul 05, 2019 at 10:29:36AM -0400, Carl Fink wrote:
> On 7/5/19 2:42 AM, Reco wrote:
> > Last time I travelled to England - they took my fingerprints beforehand,
> > and checked them at Heathrow's customs. Suffice to say I'd be sent back
> > home on a nearest airplane if they haven't match.
> Last time I traveled to England (2017), they didn't even check my
> passport. (I was entering from France.) I also didn't have to give
> fingerprints when entering the Schengen Area (in Iceland). You were, I
> gather, entering from outside both the Schengen nations and the United
> States? Or it was just much longer ago?

It was at 2017, and yes, it was outside of Schengen nations and US.
Living at the third-world country has its disadvantages sometimes.


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