On 2019-07-05, mick crane <mick.cr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm incrementing the number by the loop and some software sees 2 as 
> bigger that 10 or something like this. I can probably get around that by 

Not sure exactly what you mean by some software, but you must be sorting
lexicographically (the numbers are treated as strings, in which case
alphabetically speaking 1 goes before 2).

I don't think anybody's pointed this out yet (to my surprise) so I
thought I would (maybe I missed it), although my ignorance is nearly
total in the matter.

> adding to a very large number in the loop and calling them that.
> I don't mind deleting them by hand but if I have to run program several 
> times to tweak what images look like it slows things down.
> I was interested though if there was some instruction to put at the top 
> of the file to make perl think that the directory the file was in was 
> "/"
> mick

"These findings demonstrate that under appropriate conditions the isolated,
intact large mammalian brain possesses an underappreciated capacity for
restoration of microcirculation and molecular and cellular activity after a
prolonged post-mortem interval." From a recent article in *Nature*. Holy shit. 

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