On 7/7/19 3:38 AM, Wang Zhiheng wrote:
> Running Steam on debian 10 64-bit
> STEAM_RUNTIME is enabled automatically
> Pins up-to-date!
> WARNING: setlocale('en_US.UTF-8') failed, using locale: 'C'.
> International characters may not work.
> [2019-07-07 18:37:33] Startup - updater built Jun 17 2019 23:31:08
> [2019-07-07 18:37:33] 正在验证安装...
> [2019-07-07 18:37:33] Unable to read and verify install manifest
> /home/onoketa/.local/share/Steam/package/steam_client_ubuntu12.installed
> [2019-07-07 18:37:33] Verification complete
> [2019-07-07 18:37:33] 正在下载更新...
> [2019-07-07 18:37:33] 正在检查可用更新...
> [2019-07-07 18:37:33] Downloading manifest:
> client-download.steampowered.com/client/steam_client_ubuntu12
> [2019-07-07 18:37:33] Download failed: http error 0
> (client-download.steampowered.com/client/steam_client_ubuntu12)
> [2019-07-07 18:37:33] Downloading manifest:
> media.steampowered.com/client/steam_client_ubuntu12
> [2019-07-07 18:37:33] Download failed: http error 0
> (media.steampowered.com/client/steam_client_ubuntu12)
> [2019-07-07 18:37:33] failed to load manifest from buffer.
> [2019-07-07 18:37:33] Failed to load manifest

I'm unable to replicate the issue on my end.

It looks to me like some kind of issue downloading the steam client
manifest, and not necessarily a Debian Buster issue. But it could also
be local corruption.

I would purge the contents of /home/onoketa/.local/share/Steam/, and try
again. Possibly reinstall Steam.

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