On Du, 07 iul 19, 07:17:33, Gene Heskett wrote:
> On Sunday 07 July 2019 02:58:46 andreimpope...@gmail.com wrote:
> >
> > BTW, it's still not clear to me whether this is about a clean buster
> > install or some image based on buster.
> >
> Its the raspian image based on buster-rc2 AIUI.

As suspected...
> Reinstalling avahi-daemon


> or dhcpcd5 will poison the routing, making the default route a 
> address

This I believe. It's most likely due to some Raspbian-specific startup 
script that tries to set up networking with DHCP.
> So it appears I finally have a working network.
> But so far, no one has addressed the next problem. I do not have seating 
> in any shape in front of the pi's own monitor and keyboard, and my 
> standing time w/o excruciating back pain from two crushed disks in my 
> back is maybe 15 minutes.  I would take a tall bar stool which there is 
> no room for to make the position usable for an hour.
> Therefore its imperative that ssh start on a reboot, which it does not 
> do now, 

It's almost impossible to guess (remotely) what *other* changes have 
been done to the Raspbian image. You might want to try asking in the 
Raspbian support channels instead.

Technically I could download the image and inspect it locally, assuming 
I can even find it (including at least a download link would have been 

At the moment I do have other stuff to do which is (hopefully) helping 
more people actually running Debian.

You might try that as well (running pure Debian that is). According to 
this page  https://wiki.debian.org/RaspberryPi3 Debian runs unchanged on 
the Raspberry Pi 3.

The images linked from there are not official, but they are build by a 
Debian Developer. The likelihood of custom scripts is, I believe, close 
to zero (though apparently this image is also set up for DHCP by 
default, have fun :) ).

For a system that works as you expect it I suggest you do your own 
installation, either with Debian Installer or even with debootstrap.

Thoroughly document in detail every step (e.g. using --variant=minbase 
for debootstrap can make a *huge* difference to the final image), or 
even better, script it.

That way whenever you run into issues you can just post the script used 
and potential helpers will know what you did or did not.

Good luck with fixing your ssh.

Kind regards,

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