On Fri, Jul 12, 2019 at 11:35:20AM +0300, Reco wrote:
> I don't dispute that RedHat did a lot of good things - good chunks of
> the libc, gcc and a kernel itself is wrote by them.
> On the other side though we have some really controversial things like
> SecureBoot support, Wayland, GTK3, xfs, and s*****d.

XFS was developed by SGI, not by Red Hat.  According to wikipedia:

  Initial support for XFS in the Linux kernel came through patches from
  SGI. It merged into the Linux kernel mainline for the 2.6 series,
  and separately merged in February 2004 into the 2.4 series in
  version 2.4.25,[10] making XFS almost universally available on Linux
  systems.[11] Gentoo Linux became the first Linux distribution to
  introduce an option for XFS as the default filesystem in mid-2002.[12]

There's some stuff about Red Hat in subsequent paragraphs, and it
definitely does not paint a pretty picture of Red Hat.  If wikipedia is
to be believed, Red Hat added partial XFS support 7 years after Gentoo,
and then charged its customers extra money for the basic command line
tools.  (And then possibly stopped being evil a few years after that.
It's a little unclear.)

I'm not sure exactly what you consider "controversial" about XFS.  It's
just a file system that you can choose to use, or not.

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