On 2019-07-18 10:29, John Crawley wrote:
Hi tomas and Thomas, thanks for your input.
I think I have a basic idea of what exec does.
However, try running in a terminal:
echo $$
exec <someterminal>
#Then, in the new terminal:
echo $$

The two PIDs are different! (or were here)

On 2019-07-17 17:37, Thomas Schmitt wrote:
John Crawley wrote:
In Buster, the launching dash shell dies *immediately* and the bash
prompt returns, even while the new window is still open.
tomas wrote:
that most probably is due to a change
in behaviour of "x-terminal-emulator".
My suspicion too. If the x-terminal-emulator puts itself into background,
then the starting terminal ends immediately.

The Debian alternative system is just a series of symlinks.
/usr/bin/x-terminal-emulator points to /etc/alternatives/x-terminal-emulator which in turn points to (on my system) /usr/bin/urxvt.
It's hard to imagine a stretch>buster change in behaviour, really.

What happens if you run
without "exec". Does the shell prompt come back immediately ?

No. Not on Stretch. x-terminal-emulator, or a specific terminal call, in every case the prompt waits till the called window is closed.
But... on Buster it depends on exactly what terminal it's currently pointing to. I've tried a few that were on my test system and:

gnome-terminal or gnome-terminal.wrapper and lxterminal both return the prompt immediately. (*.wrapper scripts are for x-terminal-emulator compatibility, but don't seem to affect this issue.)

urxvt, xterm, mate-terminal{,.wrapper}, xfce4-terminal{,.wrapper} and terminator all hold the prompt till the window is closed.

On my test system, at the time, x-terminal-emulator pointed to lxterminal, so it looks as if "exec" has nothing to do with this.

I'll have to do a bit of googling about why lxterminal and gnome-terminal's behaviour has changed like this, though. Unless you folks have any ideas?

I'd like my scripts to work the same regardless of what terminal a user has set as x-terminal-emulator.

It seems gnome-terminal has a complicated server-client setup, but the immediate prompt return can be avoided with 'gnome-terminal --wait':

Lxterminal (which I was more interested in) says "all instances of the terminal are sharing a single process" which explains that, but it can be bypassed with '--no-remote'.

So a check if x-terminal-emulator points to lxterminal and if so adding '--no-remote' should cover my needs. Sorry for the noise.


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