On 7/25/19 11:27 PM, Carl Fink wrote:
On 7/25/19 11:23 PM, deb wrote:

On 7/25/19 6:45 PM, Carl Fink wrote:

Is there any specific reason you don't just use mod_python, to remove the overhead of a CGI script?

Lack of knowledge only.

If I can use mod_python to get that one script to run, I'd be mighty happy.

I could not find an example of that, searching around.

What do you want to do that you can't manage by extending the hello.py example right on this page?


Thank you Carl

This is the right idea for what I'm looking for.

Something just to execute a given, simple, .py file.
In my case, the baskend for a contact form.

mod_python (looks to) require pulling from github, compiling, and several steps to get into place.

It also hasn't been updated since 2013 -- so I need to look at any security-related impacts.

This answer will end up on a production server,
running other sites (including a Flask one),
so I want to go slowly into mod_python to make sure it drops in seamlessly.

Thank you!

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