Hi folks,

in the latest version of kmail (debian/stable) I discovered several issues. As 
it might be possible, they belong together, I am just describing it here. Maybe 
these are already known.

1. It is not possible, to print an email any more. When I want to print an 
email , I just get an empty sheet. Also the preview of the print is empty.
This behavior appears in amd64 as well as in i386.
This bug appeared already in 2017, was then fixed and now is appearing again. 
As far as I understood, an email to print is first transverted into HTML-form, 
then sent to the printer.
Knowing this is leading me to the second issue:

2. The vertical HTML in the message view on the left is no more working as 
before. In prior versuions of kmail it was possible to change the view of 
emails between HTML and NON-HTML by
clicking the HTML bar with the left mouse button. This does not work any more.

Additionally it is no more possible, to deactivate this bar completely. In 
prior versions of kmail there was a button in the configurations of kmail, to 
deactivate this bar. This option is gone!
Accidently or wanted? I do not know.

With this bar there appeared a new issue on netbooks with its small resolutions 
(1024x600): As the HTML-Bar is too long, it is not possible to make the message 
view so small, that kmail fits
completely into 600 lines. The problem is (in the German version), that the 
shown text "K e  i n e  H T M L - N a c h r i c h t" is just too long, to 
shorten the message window. When there is a
HTML-Message, then it shows "H T M L - N a c h r i c h t", which is shorter, 
and then it fits into 600 lines.

It would be nice, if these errors and issues could be fixed, maybe with shorter 
text in German. As for the printing problem, maybe there is a problem with the 
html-transfer, do not know.

I would file a bugreport (for the HTML-bar I already did), but maybe soemone 
knows more about the relationships and can report better than me, who is just 
showing the effects, but not the cause.

Thank you for reading this and any hints.

Best regards


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