On Thu 01 Aug 2019 at 14:09:31 (-0400), Michael Stone wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 01, 2019 at 11:11:33AM -0500, David Wright wrote:
> >  It surprised me that systemd doesn't just use something
> >  like the gateway address if/when some address is absolutely
> >  essential.
> Why on earth would it assume that the gateway is running a resolver?

In a domestic environment, it might be a router. If it's a router
that's not running a DNS server, it's likely to pass it on to any
nameservers the ISP has informed it about.

In a professional environment, I'd expect the admin to have correctly
configured a resolver at the appropriate time. That's what they're
paid for.

But in any case, I don't know how the powers that be resolve these
things (no pun intended). There was a lot of heat in that discussion.
Perhaps lookup failure is the answer. I don't know the circumstances
when a resolver is "essential" rather than "very desirable".


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