Depends on what you're trying to do.

I run a small domain on a T1 without pictures or audio, so I'm using a
Raspberry Pi 3 as a server. Quite a bit faster than the old PDP-11s the
'Net started out with, and significantly less expensive. And smaller.

My domain used to be a lot larger, but still a T1 and very little
video/audio. I used the bottom-of-the-line Dell servers back then, and
bought my own RAM (Dell gets a lot for a RAM stick). The biggest
advantage to the Dell servers, aside from the reliability of the
components (over 15 years, I never had one fail), was that they could be
bought without the Windows tax.

If you're looking to do a full blown Google level server on a 10G
connection, advice there is above my pay scale...

Glenn English

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