On 11/8/19 8:53 am, Randy Demerchant wrote:
I have a dell laptop 1720 and desktop acer ax 1935.
I like to know can I install and use Debian on eithers of these two
system with out ant problems
Can you let me know thank you Randy
Suggest you try a live version - runs from a DVD or USB stick; doesn't
do anything to your present system till you actually run the install
Includes a summary of what you can do and expect
It will run as long as you like, can have packages installed if you want
(but won't be there on re-boot), add printer/s etc.
When you're happy just run the install program. You'll get the option to
leave the present system in place if you prefer.
Keith Bainbridge
+61 (0)447 667 468