On Wed, Aug 07, 2019 at 11:29:48AM -0400, Henning Follmann wrote:
> Hello,
> I just updated to buster and with that comes wayland.
> I am using a Trackman marble and I do have a custom
> configuration for it to switch to scoll when I hold
> button 8 (called "EmulateWheel").
> Is there a way to do this under wayland?
> here is my previous marblemouse.conf for X:
> ########################
> Section "InputClass"
>         Identifier  "Marble Mouse"
>         MatchProduct "Logitech USB Trackball"
>         MatchIsPointer "on"
>         MatchDevicePath "/dev/input/event*"
>         Driver "evdev"
>       Option "Buttons"        "9"
>       Option "ButtonMapping"  "1 9 3 4 5 6 7 2 8"
>         Option "EmulateWheel" "true"
>         Option "EmulateWheelButton" "8"
>         Option "Emulate3Buttons" "true"
> EndSection
> #####################################

Replying to myself:

You can get scrolling capabilities through gsettings:

$> gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.peripherals.trackball \
   scroll-wheel-emulation-button 8

You only have to do this once for the current user.

sometimes it is "off". Sporadically it does not work.
But this might have to do with this laptop. The
power management and the usb somehow interfere with
each other. It is a hardware problem.


Henning Follmann           | hfollm...@itcfollmann.com

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