Dear Charles,

On Monday, September 9, 2019, 1:55:06 PM GMT+2, Charles Curley wrote:

>> On Mon, 9 Sep 2019 10:20:37+0000 (UTC) Jan Michael Greiner wrote:
>> With Debian Stretch (9.8) I had the display running with 3840x2160
>> resolution at 24Hz reduced blank.

>> [What worked with Debian Stretch (9.9)]
>> export modename="3840x2160_24.00_rb"
 >> xrandr --newmode $modename 209.75 3840 3888 3920 4000 2160 2163 2168 2185 
 >> +HSync -Vsync
 >> xrandr --addmode HDMI-1 $modename
 >> xrandr --output HDMI-1 --mode $modename

 >> [Problem with Debian Buster (10.1)]
 >> xrandr --output XWAYLAND1 --mode $modename
 >> xrandr: Configure crtc0 failed

 >And I take it you want to reproduce that on Debian 10 (buster). I
 > suggest you:
 > * Install arandr.

 Thank you for making me aware of arandr. However, from what I learned:

- arandr is merely a graphical tool for xrandr, so if something does not work 
with xrandr, arandr will not be able to help 

- I did not see any option in the arandr gui to add a non yet existing 
resolution (and I would like to add a 24Hz reduced blank resolution)

 To rephrase my question: How can I enable a custom screen resolution and 
refresh rate (with my specific modeline) with Debian Buster (Wayland)?

 Thank you and best regards


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