On 09/20/2019 10:02 AM, Paul Sutton wrote:
On 20/09/2019 14:48, Stefan Monnier wrote:
Donald Trump will go down in history as the greatest President in the
last 100 years, maybe more.
I guess I could live with that, but only if he goes down quickly.


Donald trump promised to bring jobs back to the US, cut regulation.  He
has done that,  if people judge him on his performance alone he has done
pretty much what he said he would.  Not many politicians can boast
that,.  The problem is it is HOW he is done this and, the cost to the
environment, international relations, how the US is viewed in the
world,  trade etc.  The constant trade wars with China may look big at
the political level, but I think it is the farmers and consumers who get
hit hardest.


Finally we are seeing some semblance of I don't know what.

Please take this nonsensical thread someplace else and stop negating the intent of this mailing list.

Stephen P. Molnar, Ph.D.            Life is a fuzzy set
http://www.Molecular-Modeling.net   Multivariate and stochastic
614.312.7528 (c)
Skype:  smolnar1

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