On Mon, Oct 07, 2019 at 09:17:21PM +0300, Reco wrote:
On Mon, Oct 07, 2019 at 01:54:17PM -0400, Michael Stone wrote:
I don't agree that responding to a troll will lead to a beneficial outcome.

You're entitled to your option, of course.

For context, the most recent message from that account started out with:

"I posted to publicly state that Debian developers are assholes, but
now I see that Debian users are assholes too (just like religious cult
of Theo de Raadt which we know as OpenBSD)."

I think most people would agree that's a troll account which isn't going to lead to any meaningful engagement. It's probably reasonable to assume that any issues raised by the troll account were selected to cause conflict, not to request assistance for a real problem in need of a solution.

Still, there were some valid points in that e-mail.

We can certainly agree to disagree.

User tries to uninstall a program, for instance - "xarchiver"

Why? What is the use-case for a naive user to remove that, apart from coming up with scenarios to troll debian-user? For an experienced user with esoteric requirements the solution is trivial: don't use task packages if you want an artisanal hand-crafted install.

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