Using Sarge mostly, with a few Sid packages as well.

I've been using jpilot for some time now to sync and backup my Palm
m500. My last sync was Nov.24th. Today, I go to sync and jpilot errors
out. Attempts at "pilot-xfer -l" give an error that/dev/pilot (link
to/dev/ttyUSB1) is not connected. Hrm...

Hardware-wise, nothing at all has changed in the last 3 weeks. No new
devices, same kernel, same modules. My USB pendrive still works fine, as
does my mouse. Specifying /dev/ttyUSB{0|2|3} with "-p" gives the same
error. Any idea what's going on here? Any changes to important software
or known, new issues I'm unaware of? My pisock8 and pisock++0 libs were
the Sid versions from a couple months back, which worked fine before. I
updated them to the newest Sid versions, but that made no difference.

I'm wondering if perhaps my cradle just died on me. The Visor support is
compiled into the kernel, shows up at boot, and doesn't return any
errors. But plugging or unplugging the cradle doesn't generate any event
notification in messages or syslog. Should I see messages there? (I
don't remember if I used to or not.)

Any help is much appreciated.

Todd Pytel

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