I probably shouldn't prolong this thread but...

Maybe this cartoon will help:

More seriously, I was recently asked which languages to learn and I
wrote up a list of what I thought was important. See below.

On 18/10/2019 03:33, Turritopsis Dohrnii Teo En Ming wrote:
> This is just a quick survey. May I know what programming languages do
> you know? I am considering being a programmer or developer.
> How long will it take for me to master a programming language like
> C++, Java, and Python?

I'm not a professional programmer but programming is part of my job. I
mostly find myself using using C#, Javascript, Typescript, VBScript, and
PHP. I expect to soon need to know some Powershell, Python, and possibly
Kotlin (or Java). I also like the look of Rust but it's a big learning
curve. But all that is just me.

Anyway, below is the list that I mentioned.

Current Mainstream Languages. (Know a few of them well. Which ones
depends on your likely employer, your actual or like projects, and your
preferences). Listed in no particular order.

  * JavaScript
  * TypeScript (transcompiles to JavaScript, increasingly popular)
  * C
  * C++
  * C#
  * Python
  * PHP
  * Rust
  * Go
  * PowerShell
  * Bash (and Linux/Unix shell)
  * Java
  * Kotlin
  * Perl
  * Visual Basic  (VB.NET)
  * SQL  (Oracle PL/SQL, Microsoft T-SQL, MySQL)
  * HTML (not a programming language but important to have some familiarity)
  * CSS (not a programming language but important to some familiarity)

Current Less Popular Languages. (Be aware of them, some awareness of
them. Some are increasing in popularity, some are reducing in
popularity). Listed in no particular order.

  * Swift (very important if coding for iOS)
  * D (very sadly losing out to Rust, I think)
  * Ruby
  * Pascal  (Delphi, Object Pascal, Free Pascal)
  * Objective-C  (being replaced by Swift)
  * R
  * Haskell
  * Lua (embeddable scripting language)
  * VBScript
  * Visual Basic  (VB6)
  * F#
  * Julia
  * Dart  (JavaScript competitor from Apple, will be used in Fuschia)
  * CoffeeScript  (transcompiles to JavaScript, being replaced in
    practice by Typescript)

Others, Historical, Niche. (To have at least looked at very, very
briefly so as to be aware of their existence, look and focus). Listed in
no particular order.

  * PL/I
  * RPG  (IBM AS/400, IBM i)
  * Ada  (military, aerospace)
  * Fortran
  * Cobol
  * Oxygene  (Object Pascal-like for .NET, iOS, Android, Java, macOS)
  * Eiffel
  * Clojure (Lisp)
  * ML
  * Vala
  * Nim   
  * Nemerle  (a .NET language)
  * Erlang
  * BBC Basic
  * Scala
  * Ring
  * Clarion  (4GL)
  * Elm
  * REXX
  * Coldfusion CFML
  * ActionScript
  * Algol
  * MS-DOS/CMD Batch
  * TCL
  * AWK  (see also Sed)
  * Forth
  * Haxe
  * Matlab
  * Boo  (a .NET language)
  * Microsoft QBasic  (and similar)
  * Prolog   

Mark Rousell

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