On Mon, Nov 04, 2019 at 09:46:14PM -0500, Jude DaShiell wrote:
urlscan and a macro to bring urlscan up once a link got highlighted would
help if you still want to use mutt or neomutt.

I am using urlscan.  I would be happy to forward to you one or two
sample messages; each has a dozen links, and urlscan is not much help
in deciding which link to select.  Sometimes I can access the links
displayed by urlscan, but sometimes none of the links work.

I am not looking for a replacement for Mutt.  I simply wish to have
another client which is able to look at the same maildir and display
the message.  Again, any reply I make always is in plain text, via

I installed Thunderbird -- what a huge truck-load of stuff!  But the
configuration wizard would not allow me simply to point Thunderbird to
the maildir to which getmail delivers incoming messages.

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