on Fri, Dec 12, 2003 at 08:04:50PM -0800, Mark Healey ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Whenever I open an application it is too big for my desktop (Gnome).
> There are a couple of problems with this.  If I resize it many of the
> controls are obscured.  Then there are the non resizable apps.
> I think that this has something to do with the fact that the first
> time I managed to get X to start was with an XF86Config-4 cribbed from
> Knoppix.  It had the resolution insanely high.  I believe that what
> happened was that when X was first stated sawmill was automaticaly
> configured using the insanely high Knoppix resolution.

What application?  What resolution are you running?  How large is the
application itself?

Depending on your window manager / desktop environment:  grab the
application and move it so that a resize handle (again, varies by WM) is
visible.  Resize to fit your screen.  Close the app.  It should open
sized to your screen.  You might also maximize it so that it just fits
within your visible desktop.


Karsten M. Self <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>        http://kmself.home.netcom.com/
 What Part of "Gestalt" don't you understand?

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