Hi all, first post here!
I have been using Libranet and love it. However, having first learned GNU/LInux by way of Debian, I will from time to time install a Debian box just to stay rusty. Now I want to install Debian and get all the functionality I have with Libranet. This is an intellectual exercise; the purpose is to be able to install from scratch in a professional environment. Toward this end, I really want to try out the Debian installer, but since the servers where hacked, I have been unable to find it.

I tried using CVS, but the make image script issues in errors stating that it cannot find the files on the net. Quote:

Failed to fetch http://non-us.debian.org/dists/unstable/main/debian-installer/binary-i386/Packages.gz 404 Not Found
Reading Package Lists... Done
E: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.
Failed to update the Packages file. This usually means of of two things:

A) sources.list.udeb does not contain a vaild repository.
  You can override the generates sources.list.udeb
  with sources.list.udeb.local if you haven't done so yet.

B) The repository in sources.list.udeb is not reachable.
  If you are not working online use 'export ONLINE=n' to skip updating
  the Packages files. Beware that this can result in images with
  out-of-date packages and should be used for private developement only.
make: *** [cdrom-get_udebs-stamp] Error 1


So: where can I find the Installer, or how can I fix this problem with the cvs script?


Damon L. Chesser

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