On Fri, Nov 22, 2019 at 10:14:19AM -0500, Gene Heskett wrote:
> Greetings;
> I have asked this before but the only reply's insult my age & smarts.

This is unfortunate :-(

> But I have just found that if I click on inspect the page while the mouse 
> is in the middle of the center, blank area, find the main image in the 
> half a ton of html, and click on the *.jpg itself, I am instantly 
> looking at the image [...]

I fear I can't help you very much, since I tend to avoid Javascript-driven
pages like the plague [1]. Thus imgur is way off-limits for me. What
you can try to pin-point the problem is: on your Firefox menu there's
an entry called "web developer" or similar. Below that, there's one
called "browser console". Click on that, and you'll find a log of what
the browser is "mumbling" while processing the page.

Perhaps you find an error message helping you understand what's going

My interpretation of what you write is that, along with the (big) image
itself, the page provides some javascript to display a smaller version
of it or whatever, and this javascript is erroring out. But take this
with a couple of fists of salt.

-- tomás

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