El 2019-11-22 08:04, Brian escribió:

My first point is that you are having the installer mount and search
every partition to find an ISO. This is time consuming.

The second point is that an ISO on another partition might be found
and used. What happens if it is a jessie ISO?

Why not label the partition on the USB drive and use the boot option


I would also put the ISO in / or /iso.

Thanks Brian and Pascal.

Regarding putting ISO in / , both of you are right: iso-scan's quick scan seems to work only in / , plus perhaps other few "common" locations. I just tried it.

When using full/thorough search among partitions, once finished installer actually lists all found Debian ISOs and which disk/partition they're located in, so one can choose.

I tried the "shared/enter_device" boot option for the ISO located in custom /boot/iso directory, but it seems this doesn't work alone; instead needing to be used in conjunction with boot option "shared/ask_device=manual". With this the quick scan failure message stills there, but now when selecting "yes" to the thorough scan it only scans the specified device, so now it's faster.

To get rid of the thorough scan question Pascal's advise of boot option "iso-scan/ask_second_pass=true" is in place.

So overall string of kernel boot options would be like
"iso-scan/ask_second_pass=true shared/ask_device=manual shared/enter_device=/dev/disk/by-label/<label>" ouch, a bit long of boot options, but with this installer at least goes a bit smoother...

But still the question about boot opton "iso-scan/filename"... why isn't it actually working?
What does it mean that this may be an output instead of an input?

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