Ohh, two more things:

On the following line, I failed to delete the last i (part of ignore)

> /rhk03/Dusan_scintilla_git/RS041-scintilla-syntax-highlighter/.giti

Ahh, I think I found my problem -- .git is a directory, not a file --  sorry 
for the noise.

On Tuesday, December 03, 2019 5:54:33 AM Rh Kramer wrote:
> Notes:
>    * In general, reply to the list, I am subscribed under a slightly
> different username and will see any replies.
>    * As is often the case, there is more than one way to skin this cat,
> although I won't mind other approaches, especially if they are simpler, I
> would like to learn what I'm doing wrong with locate --regex.
> Overall objective:
> I have several .git repositories on this computer.  I want to get a list of
> those repositories without getting a listing of all the files in each
> repository.
> Each repository is in a different subdirectory, and with varying path
> lengths (both in number of characters and number of parent directories).
> Each repository has several files, including one file ending with .git,
> e.g.:
> /rhk03/Dusan_scintilla_git/RS041-scintilla-syntax-highlighter/.giti
> /rhk03/Dusan_scintilla_git/scintilla-scite/.git
> /rhk03/Dusan_scintilla_git/scintilla-scite-pre20190419/.git
> /rhk03/chroot/scintilla-scite/Scintilla-SciTE/.git
> /rhk03/chroot/scintilla-scite/Scintilla-SciTE.git/.git
> /rhk03/chroot/scintilla-scite-pre20190419/.git
> /rhk03/chroot/scintilla-scite-preKDevelop/.git
> (Just for the record, I edited the .gitignore results shown below to the the
> .git results shown above, to show what I'm trying to get.)
> I believe I have achieved my objective by searching and finding similar
> lines that end with .gitignore, using this locate command (I've achieved my
> objective if every .git repository includes a file named .gitignore -- at
> the moment, I believe that is true):
> locate --regex \/\.gitignore
> which finds:
> /rhk03/Dusan_scintilla_git/RS041-scintilla-syntax-highlighter/.gitignore
> /rhk03/Dusan_scintilla_git/scintilla-scite/.gitignore
> /rhk03/Dusan_scintilla_git/scintilla-scite-pre20190419/.gitignore
> /rhk03/chroot/scintilla-scite/Scintilla-SciTE/.gitignore
> /rhk03/chroot/scintilla-scite/Scintilla-SciTE.git/.gitignore
> /rhk03/chroot/scintilla-scite-pre20190419/.gitignore
> /rhk03/chroot/scintilla-scite-preKDevelop/.gitignore
> But I've had no luck finding only the paths that end in .git.  I've tried a
> number of locate commands (in almost a shotgun approach) none of them have
> worked, and some have given me some really strange results (finding files in
> /usr that have git somewhere in the filename, but not just .git)
> Some of the commands I tried:
> rhk@s31:/rhk03$ locate --regex \/\.git
> rhk@s31:/rhk03$ locate --regex \/\.git[^\/]
> rhk@s31:/rhk03$ locate --regex \/\.git[^\/][:blank:]
> rhk@s31:/rhk03$ locate --regex \/git[^\.][:blank:]
> rhk@s31:/rhk03$ locate --regex \.git[^\.][:blank:]
> rhk@s31:/rhk03$ locate --regex \.git[\.][:blank:]
> rhk@s31:/rhk03$ locate --regex \.git[:blank:]
> Any help / insights will be appreciated!

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