Andrea Borgia wrote on 14 Sep 2019:

> On two systens with fairly different hardware (a 6yr old laptop I am
> using now on holiday and my new home desktop), with kernel 5.2.0 (and
> possibly as low as 5.0.11) the following happens: boot, login X,
> hibernate (ok), resume (also ok), unlock xfce4, stare at mouse pointer
> alone on a black screen. The pointer can move, there is sound
> (Telegram notifications, for example), and only keycombo that works is
> the one to go back to console.

Since I upgraded to bullseye some time ago, I experience the same
problem.  I've spent several hours researching online and trying to
debug it, but so far to no avail.  I replaced light-locker by
xscreensaver, but the problem persists.

In my case, there is an interesting twist: I do experience this problem
with my ThinkPad X220 laptop when undocked, and when docked at home
(single external screen).  However, when docked at work, where two
external screens are attached, I have never ever experienced this
problem.  The X220 can handle two screens at the same time, so this
problem could be somehow related to whether the built-in monitor is
active or not.

This must be the most annoying problem that I encounter in the 20 years
that I've been using Debian!  My current workaround is to work in
"presentation mode" which disables and auto locking of the screen.

I would be very grateful for any pointers, or at least a bug number that
I can follow.  As far as I can tell this is not #913062, nor #929834,
nor #846278.  I do not have light-locker installed.


Andrea, please excuse me sending this message not only to the list but
also to you directly.  I am not sure whether you follow this list
regularly, and I'm interested to know whether you have found a solution
by now.

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