On Mon, Dec 9, 2019 at 2:29 PM John Hasler <jhas...@newsguy.com> wrote:

>  Nicholas Geovanis writes:
> > You are safe (now) so others' freedoms need not be respected. Your
> > first jump down the slippery slope :-) Jefferson the slave-master
> > would have said that you have taken one hand off the wolf's ears.
> > Good luck :-) don't let go the other ear or you become the slave this
> > time......
> You clearly didn't read the rest of what I wrote.

Incorrect. I read it all closely. Hence my response.

> Attempting to use
> technical measures to prevent NSA from analyzing the packets I send off
> to Web sites should they choose to do so is hopeless.

I made no such claim for any technical solution. Despite 4 decades as a
technologist, I have never
made such a claim here or elsewhere.

> The correct
> approach to that problem is through the political process (limit their
> budget).  However, they do not pose an immediate threat of injury.

They do not pose an immediate threat of injury....to you.
Others are not so fortunate. So you missed Thomas Jefferson's point.

> Criminals do.  Concentrate technical efforts on the latter threat, where
> they have some hope of working.  Concentrate political efforts on the
> former.

Our elected officials are constantly indicted as criminals. So are our
officers. Therefore the set of criminals and the set of "political
processes" intersect and
their intersection is non-null. So concentrating on one threat means, in
reality, concentrating
on both. Welcome to the real Real World :-)

> John Hasler
> jhas...@newsguy.com
> Elmwood, WI USA

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