On Thu, 12 Dec 2019, Brian wrote:

This looks good. We take it that you can print from *the server*?
  yes, of course...

'lp -d ljp /etc/nsswitch.conf' saves you a bit of ink/toner.

  thank you for the tip

At last, I found the origin of the problem:

  wrong "order" entries in /etc/cups/cupsd.conf
  as I thought that the 1st parameter was the default, but actually the default 
one is the 2nd!

  I had
     order allow,deny
  and the correct order should be
     order deny,allow

thank you Brian for your collaboration: I suppose that the cupsenable and 
cupsaccept you gave me
are not useless. I'll check that on an other client.

best regards,
Pierre Frenkiel

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