Jörg-Volker Peetz wrote on 16/12/2019 20:32:
> Greg Wooledge wrote on 16/12/2019 17:29:
>> On Sat, Dec 14, 2019 at 10:04:34AM +0100, Jörg-Volker Peetz wrote:
>>> $ dpkg -S /pulse
>>> dpkg-query: no path found matching pattern /pulse
>>> fails to give any clue.
>>> The directory is generated at boot-time. But I wasn't able to find any hint 
>>> in
>>> systemd or udev conf-files.
>> Well, the first thing I would try would be "grep -r /pulse /etc".
>> And if that fails, "grep -r /pulse /lib/systemd".
> Did that, also
> $ grep -rI pulse /lib/udev
> to no avail.
>> If *those* both fail... well, I might be crazy enough to try removing
>> the offending directory, doing "chattr +i /", then rebooting, and seeing
>> who complains when they can't create the /pulse directory.  Only on a
>> system where I have local hardware access, of course -- not a remote.
>> Do not forget to remove the immutable bit after your test is complete.
>> And as a wise reader already said, it's probably pulseaudio.  Meaning,
>> you might be able to test without rebooting, by stopping pulseaudio,
>> removing the directory, and starting pulseaudio, to see if it gets
>> recreated.
> The /pulse directory is created at boot-time. The pulseaudio process is 
> started
> at login on this system. Also, pulseaudio continues to work after removal of
> /pulse which is always an empty directory. It has uid 0 and gid 0 an is not
> readable for group or others.
The only relevant script at boot-time on my system seems to be from alsa-utils.
But at the moment I'm lost how this interacts with pulseaudio.
At the same time the /pulse directory is created, there is created an also empty
 /run/alsa/runtime/pulse directory.
Any idea, anybody?

> Does anybody else see such a /pulse directory?

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