On Tue, 17 Dec 2019 07:15:21 +0100
<to...@tuxteam.de> wrote:

> On Mon, Dec 16, 2019 at 10:37:12PM -0500, Celejar wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I have a Debian Sid system with generally working networking. Recently,
> > I experienced some strange connectivity problems with a particular
> > network connection  [...]
> > PING ( 1492(1520) bytes of data.
> > ping: local error: message too long, mtu=1500
> I don't know the error message by heart, but here, it seems
> the message size is too big for your local MTU...

Yes, I think this is pretty clear. The local wifi interface has the
standard MTU of 1500, so it rejects packets larger than that.

> > With nnnn = 1472, I get, at least sometimes:
> > 
> > >From icmp_seq=2 Frag needed and DF set (mtu = 1472)
> This is definitely an ICMP message you receive from some upstream

Yes, except that I don't see this message consistently. I assume that's
some sort of upstream flakiness.

> > followed by (for various values of nnnn):
> > 
> > ping: local error: message too long, mtu=1472
> > 
> > until I drop below 1444, at which point I once again get no reply,
> > until nnnn <= 1412, at which point I once again get normal ping replies.
> Someone upstream is dropping the packets, perhaps sending an ICMP
> back (possibly "fragmentation needed"), perhaps someone else is

Yes, that's what's supposed to happen, according to everything I've
read, but overly aggressive blocking of ICMP is apparently a common

> dropping that ICMP (your firewall, perhaps?)

Not running one on the local machine, and I'm pretty sure that my
gateway firewall, an OpenWrt installation in a fairly standard
configuration, isn't configuring to do that (and don't
forget that I do get some "Frag needed" messages, as above).

> > For comparison purposes, on a normal, properly behaving network
> > connection, I get normal ping replies for nnnn <= 1472, and "message
> > too long" for nnnn > 1472.
> > 
> > Am I understanding this correctly, that there's some kind of PMTUD /
> > ICMP blackhole problem here?
> This would be my interpretation too.
> > If so, what can I do about it? My
> > understanding is that I can either set the MTU lower on the client, or
> > do MSS clamping. Any suggestions? Is this something Mint / T-Mobile, or
> > someone upstream, is just messing up?
> Since you're not getting the ICMPs back, your only choice seems to be
> to reduce your MTU, manually yes.

Okay. Since the largest packets that get through consistently are
1440 bytes:

$ ping -M do -s 1412
PING ( 1412(1440) bytes of data.
1420 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=55 time=103 ms

I tried (manually) setting the MTU to 1440. So far I have indeed seen
no further problems.

Now I just have have to figure out the best place to configure this.
I'm using dhcp via /etc/network/interfaces, but the 'dhcp' method
doesn't seem to support manual MTU setting. I could use a 'supersede
interface-mtu' line in dhclient.conf, but AFAICT, options there apply to
all dhcp connections, and I can't make out a simple way to set them on
a per connection basis. I suppose I could always just put 'ip link set
wlan0 mtu 1440' in a script and hook it in to the appropriate
'iface' stanza in e/n/i with a 'post-up' line.

Thanks for the help,


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