On Thu, Dec 19, 2019 at 11:29 AM songbird <songb...@anthive.com> wrote:

> Greg Wooledge wrote:
> ...
> > History expansion is a bloody nightmare.  I recommend simply turning
> > it off and living without it.  Of course, that's a personal preference,
> > and you're free to continue banging your head against it, if you feel
> > that the times it helps you outweigh the times that it hurts you.
>   i only use a few commands regularly and have them either
> aliased or stuck in history for me in my .bashrc
> (i start every session by history -c to get rid of
> anything and then use history -s "command" so pretty
> much my routine when signing on in the morning is to
> do !1 and then !2, !3 if i need to do a dist-upgrade.
> !1 is apt-get update & fetchnews

I opened a possible Hornet's Nest (at least in my understanding) on a
Public Server that I administer.   I had not seen "fetchnews" before and,
thinking it might give info on Upgradeable Packages, tried it, getting a
message about "leafnode" not found.

Fair enough.  So, "apt-get install leafnode", which starts asking me when
it's supposed to Fetch this News.  Finally smelling something fishy, I
clicked on "none", and am examining what I just did to a "Debian-Like"
Ubuntu 16.04 Server.

Obviously, I am partly to blame, as the "&" means multiple commands on one
Command Line.  It only "seemed" to be related to the "Apt-get update"

So, Mr. Songbird, are we talking  nntp here?  (That takes me back several

On Topic for here, is to make sure others don't make my error.  Off Topic
(and feel free to personal reply me, Songbird) is my curiosity on, what
remains of our nntp News System.  Are there still good Servers out there?
(Last time I checked, I found a smelly batch of Spam, mixed with Make Money
Fast and Porn, which caused me to back off!)

!2 is apt-get upgrade
> !3 is apt-get dist-upgrade

<snip:  Response to original Thread, irrelevant to this new one>

But, in your Personal response, I'm interested in if there are, properly
Moderated Newsgroups that actually Work?

Thank you and best regards,

Kenneth Parker (Doesn't sing like a Bird, but took College Chorus Classes).

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