On 18/12/19 at 18:02, rhkra...@gmail.com wrote:
> Aside / Admission: I don't backup all that I should and as often as I should, 
> so I'm looking for ways to improve.  One thought I have is to write my own 
> backup "system" and use it, and I've thought about that a little, and provide 
> some of my thoughts below.
> ...

I was amazed that nobody yet considered tar. My backup with tar is based
to a script that invoke tar reading two hidden file .tarExclude and

~# cat .tarExclude
/home/myuser/VirtualBox\ VMs

~# cat .tarInclude

then the script invoke tar command this way:

/bin/tar -X /root/.tarExclude -zcpvf /tmp/$f -T /root/.tarInclude

$f variable is the filename that it'll be moved to USB stick once tested
with the command:

/bin/tar ztf /tmp/$f >/dev/null

one thing you must take care is that the -X switch must came before of
the -T switch otherwise tar command fails.

Merry Xmas

Franco Martelli

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