"Karsten M. Self" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003:12:13:01:11:45-0800] scribed: <snip /> > Addressing this specifically: while there's a lot of similarity of > interests on this list, it's neither a social nor general discussion > list. I see no particular reason the Debian Project or SPI should be > compelled to provide infrastructure for either. One of the people > quoted in this post has hit my own s/n annoyance threshold. While she > may not appreciate being told so, it doesn't change the facts. And it > makes her own lecturing at least mildly ironic.
Hey, dude, it's acerbic comments like this that prompt many to see you as a misanthrope. Sure, you have a right to your opinion, and you have every right to express same; but, could you tone it down a bit, or make a special effort to find your <delete> key before your blood pressure goes through the roof? From my experience, diatribes like these, on a mailing list for which you have no administrative mandate, only rankle the loudmouths further, and prompt many to exclaim, Who died and made you god? I am not one to be giving lessons in diplomacy; but, I find many of your adjective laden value judgments to be more than a little off base . . . -- Best Regards, mds mds resource 877.596.8237 - Dare to fix things before they break . . . - Our capacity for understanding is inversely proportional to how much we think we know. The more I know, the more I know I don't know . . . --
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