On Tue, Dec 31, 2019 at 12:30:05AM -0700, ghe wrote:
> As I said before, (grumble, grumble, systemd, grumble, grumble). It seems to 
> be pretty nicely done system code, but with an absolutely abominable user 
> interface. So far, I know of systemd dirs in /lib, /etc, and /usr. That's no 
> way to run a *nix railroad.

Debian doesn't have one in /usr, except if usr-merge was performed,
in which case the one in /lib is also the one in /usr/lib.

So, there's really just /lib and /etc.  (In Debian.  And why do I have
to write that, on a debian-user mailing list....)

The one in /lib is for PACKAGES, from your operating system, which for
most of us is Debian, but for you may be some Raspthing.  (And hell,
maybe Raspbian still uses the Red Hat directories, who the fuck knows,
that's why we can't support Raspbian questions here -- IT'S DIFFERENT!)

The one in /etc is for YOU, the local system administrator, to store
your locally written unit files.  And also for total-override unit
files created by "systemctl edit", and also for drop-in directories,
and also for automatically created symlinks that represent aliases
and masks and so on.

Unit files in /etc OVERRIDE unit files in /lib because YOU are the
master of your local system, and YOUR changes are intended to override
the operating system vendor's shipped files.  It's the same reason
why /usr/local/bin is in $PATH before /usr/bin and /bin.  It's the
same reason why files in a user's $HOME directory override system

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