On 31/12/19 11:11 pm, Markus Grunwald wrote:
Dear List Participants,

An elder friend of mine uses his 10 year old Sony Vayo with Windows 7
mainly for browsing the net, homebanking, E-Mails. Due to several
reasons, I want to give him a Laptop with Debian Linux that I will support.

Several things should work to keep my active involvement low. One of the
basics is: I want to get mails whenever "something" happens. I think
that msmtp is the right tool for me, but correct me if I'm wrong, please.

But, there is a problem: I have to put the plain mail password in
/etc/msmtprc, because the normal user won't be there to unlock a gpg
file or give msmtp the password in any other way. That means, I want
/etc/msmtprc to be only readable by root (440). But then, users other
than root (nobody maybe?) won't be able to send mails...

I wonder if that could be solved in a better way? I don't want to miss
anything from unattended-upgrades or logcheck or apt-listchanges...

I would love to get your thoughts on that.

Why do you need a password? Aren't just sending mail to your local smtp server from another smtp instance?

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