Le 04/01/2020 à 11:25, Bonno Bloksma a écrit :

I have been creating a small (300MB) primary /boot partition at the beginning 
of the disk for as long as I can remember... That is after disks got to be too 
big for the BIOS to reach all of the disk to be able to boot from a file 
anywhere on the disk.

So far so good, that still works but.... do I still need that partition when I 
create an EFI System Partition (ESP) to boot using UEFI?

A separate /boot is required only if GRUB cannot read the root filesystem. Possible reasons include :
- root device not supported by the firmware
- root filesystem type not supported by GRUB
- root device type not supported by GRUB (e.g. RAID linear, maybe some LVM volume types)
- encrypted root device

If I had not created that /boot partition would those files be in /boot folder 
on the / (root) partition or would /boot then be on the EFI partition?

On the root partition. Some new boot specification mounts the EFI partition on /boot but Debian does not follow it (yet) and still mounts the EFI partition on /boot/efi.

Do I still need that /boot partition now that the ESP has the boot flag set?

The EFI partition has no boot flag. If you are using parted or Gparted, the boot flag is only a virtual representation of the EFI partition type.

Do I still want it?

You may still want a separate plain /boot partition for safety when the root uses some complex setup such as LVM even though it is supported by GRUB.

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