Hellow Cindy^^^

Cindy Sue Causey <butterflyby...@gmail.com> writes:

> On 1/3/20, 황병희 <soyeo...@doraji.xyz> wrote:
>>> are things getting more complicated because there is something wrong ?
>> maybe you like off-topic? me too. exactly i'm always on off-topic
>> because my chromebook runs ubuntu 18.04 lts.
> Debian-Project is a good one to watch. I'd.. go back a couple of
> archived months to catch up to speed. Things are... tense. I'm
> catching "some" of the history, but it's... on my own personal "back
> burner" compared to what's happening in Tiny Town Meatspace, USA...
> I thank Debian Developers A LOT EVERY DAY for providing what I'm using
> to stomp down a very loud cyber foot against that "what's happening".
> All Debian right now. Connected straight to the Internet on one
> laptop. Not surprising that it's noticeably faster because only one
> operating system is working its magic on the data going in and out.
> Wvdial keeps saying I'm connected at 115200 [0] the last couple days.
> Beats the 1200 (1.2kb?) from THREE days ago. Printscreened for
> posterity.
> Worked out of the box on a debootstrap'ed install..
> After I buy a couple more of the dial-up modems involved, I'd chat it
> up with thoughts on that one hsfmodem thread that came up a couple
> months ago. This is the first time in MANY years that Debian has
> handled my Internet connection all by itself.
> That kind of... makes the recent "tense"... actually hurt a little to
> witness as "just a user" peeking in through an open developer
> window.....

I don't think that i did understand your whole story. Though i like your
story. This is first time. I did get long letter in English. Thank you
for your time, your real life with Debian. 

> [0] Rumor used to be it didn't matter what you manually entered for
> the "Baud" field, you were going to, at most, get less than 57600,
> period. *hm*
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dial-up_Internet_access#Using_compression_to_exceed_56k

Sincerely, Byung-Hee from South Korea

^고맙습니다 _地平天成_ 감사합니다_^))//

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