On Sat, Dec 13, 2003 at 06:31:55PM -0500, Paul Morgan wrote:
> On Thu, 11 Dec 2003 20:56:48 -0800, Ross Boylan wrote:
> > 
> > Although filtering should "obviously" be done by service providers, it
> > seems they have a lot of trouble getting it right.  Mail to me goes
> > through two service providers (one of them is just a forwarder, and I
> > only recently found out they were attempting to remove spam).  In both
> > cases, I see non-trivial numbers of legitimate messages classified as
> > spam and never delivered to me.  As you point out, they never even
> > report anything about what's going on.   (The irascible gentleman
> > whose post started this thread apparently believes individual viruses
> > are being sanitized by earthlink and delivered to him, but no one else
> > has suggested they are doing that.)
> > 
> > Did earthlink send a notice of this change, or did they just do it?  I
> > didn't know about it.  But then, I usually don't read their
> > newsletters, where I suppose they might have mentioned it.  I used
> > their webmail interface quite recently, and didn't see anything
> > suggesting their filtering options had changed.
> A couple of points of information:
> of the message, including the sender (in case someone you know is
> unknowingly transmitting the virus.  You can easily find all this out for
> yourself by reading the virus blocker help in the webmail interface.
> - if you had checked, you would have found out that one gets virus
> filtering from earthlink if one turns it on for one's account (in the
> webmail preferences)
As a long time earthlink(mindspring,pipeline) customer, the virus
option is very recent and the spam option is somewhat recent. I recall
reading the spam options about a year ago and noticed nothing about
virus checking. KMS said the virus was very recent also. I am not
100% sure, but if I called Earthlink, I would think it was added within
a few months of the swen storm (+/-). I emailed tech support during the
storm and they made NO mention of any 'simple' 'flip this switch'
option. Thus, it didn't exist before swen. I emailed them and stated I
was leaving after more then 9 years, so it would be expected that if
this option existed, they would be EAGER to tell me about it. They had
no reply. 

> - if you don't read communications from earthlink, then no wonder you
> don't know what's going on
I did check my backed up folder and found the last 8 months of earthlink
emails and NO mentions.

-Happy Gnu to you,

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