On Thu, Jan 16, 2020 at 11:48:36PM +0100, l0f...@tuta.io wrote:
> Hello,


> It's not recommended to modify /etc/sudoers because it can be 
> overwritten/reset during a next upgrade.

That would contradict Debian policy. /etc is the
place for config files, and the sysadmin has the
last word on them: a package won't overwrite things
in /etc without asking nicely. That said...

> Best is to have a file inside /etc/sudoers.d.

...this still makes sense to keep sudoers snippets
potentially installed by individual packages separate.

If you remove (--purge) a package, it can remove "its"
own snippet (provided it hasn't been changed by the
admin -- Debian keeps track of changes to configuration

So you can choose whether to change /etc/sudoers (the
"classical" approach) or to add new snippets in
/etc/sudoers.d. Personally I prefer the second, It
helps me to keep things in order.

This /etc/foo -- /etc/foo.d pattern is pretty widespread.

-- tomás

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