P.S. Confirmed that systemctl reload apache2.service throws no errors.

> On Jan 17, 2020, at 8:38 PM, Angela Korra'ti <annathepi...@fastmail.com> 
> wrote:
> Yes we did, we did the upgrade in two distinct stages. We did run into 
> roadblocks as we went, but those were mostly around PHP incompatibilities 
> that we had to address to bring our sites back up.
> I’m _pretty_ sure we don’t have any config incompatibilities in Apache… 
> because yeah, Apache does in fact run. But I’ll doublecheck if the reload 
> command you’re asking about throws any actual errors.
> And perhaps a config inspection of our Apache install is called for. We’ve 
> got not only the main config file, but several supplementary ones for the 
> various domains we host as well.
>> On Jan 17, 2020, at 4:43 PM, Dan Ritter <d...@randomstring.org> wrote:
>> Did you upgrade to 9 in between? 
>> 8 had apache 2.2, and a bunch of config things changed from 2.2
>> to 2.4.  That usually shows up in apache failing to start,
>> though.
>> Does 
>> systemctl reload apache2.service
>> cause an error?
>> Worst case: if things are massively unstable, you might copy all the
>> data off elsewhere, re-install Debian 10 from scratch, and then bring
>> the data back in.
>> -dsr-
>> -- 
>> https://randomstring.org/~dsr/eula.html is hereby incorporated by reference.
>>               there is no justice, there is just us.

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