Rainer Dorsch writes:


I have a pdf file with a page size of 186x65 mm2. If I print that on A4, I
printouts which are mainly white, except the 186x65 mm2.

Is there a good way to get it printed in a compact way (e.g. 4 pages on top
each other on an A4 sheet)? I could not find an option in pdftk, so any
or hint is welcome...

If it is not so important that the individual pages' sizes are kept, you
could arrange it with pdfjam:

        pdfjam --nup 1x4 --paper a4paper -o out.pdf in1.pdf in2.pdf in3.pdf 

It is part of package `texlive-extra-utils` and it will adjust the page
format of the input files to fit "four over each other" by scaling them
(keeping intact the proportions but not the exact sizes...)

If you find something that keeps the sizes 100% as-is, that would be
interesting for me, too. My current approach to this would be to create a
LaTeX document with four \includegraphics[scale=1]{...}-statements, but that
seems to be overly complicated for something that should be easier :)



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