
It looks like you're correct.  I just downloaded the "netinst" and "DVD-1" 
unofficial firmware images and compared the two
"/pool/non-free/" directories on the two ISOs.  They are identical.

Bottom line: You can use either the netinst or the DVD-1 versions without fear 
of Catch-22.

Thanks for the correction!

On Mon, Jan 20, 2020, at 8:32 PM, David Wright wrote:
> On Mon 20 Jan 2020 at 17:09:33 (-0800), Rick Thomas wrote:
> > Whether you can use the "netinstall" CD depends on whether your device's 
> > network connection requires one of those non-free drivers.  If it needs a 
> > driver that isn't on the CD (which is more likely, the smaller the install 
> > medium) to retrieve the drivers it needs...
> I'm confused. I thought you were discussing firmware. I was under the
> impression that the non-free firmware on the netinstall CD was the
> same as that on the DVDs, ie the files under

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