On Mon 27 Jan 2020 at 08:23:00 (-0600), Tom Browder wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 27, 2020 at 07:49 Nate Bargmann <n...@n0nb.us> wrote:
> ...
> > At this point, I think you need to find any file on your system that has
> > the Emacs X resources that xrdb showed and comment them out.

You showed us your Xresources, presumably before you clobbered them
all with   xrdb /dev/null.

You might be able to find out which resources are causing your problem
by deleting them in turn with a command like:

$ xrdb -query | grep -v 'Emacs\*font:' | xrdb -

cutting and pasting from your posted list, and/or setting/editing
individual resources with:

$ xrdb -merge - <<< 'Emacs*font: neep-alt-iso10646-1-18'

Or you might be more comfortable running:

$ xrdb -query > /tmp/xrdb

then editing /tmp/xrdb while running

$ xrdb /tmp/xrdb

repeatedly in another xterm to set what's in your edit buffer.


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